David Edmonson
About David: "After spending many of my formative years in front of our family's TI-99/4A computer playing games, my parents decided they should nurture the computer nerd in me and find a mentor. I was 12 when we met a retired IBM Systems Engineer who took me under his tutelage and began teaching me how systems work.
In my child mind I thought that learning about systems engineering would look like playing Duke Nukem 3d" for several hours each day, however, it was actually a garage full of x86 parts in piles where I was tasked with organizing and then assembling a handful of working pcs to donate to needy families.
It was in that garage that I learned the most important skill I possess today: troubleshooting. The tireless art of iterating through a process to find which part is broken, which line of CSS is breaking the obscure Android view for my biggest customer, or which process is really necessary to the success of a project.
By day I'm the CEO of Variux, a niche Magento Integration Agency with a focus on the manufacturing and distribution industries. By night, I'm a human jungle gym for my 3 kids and the executive assistant to my amazing wife, Angela, the executive who really keeps everything going!"