Peter Gabel
Peter Gabel has great enthusiasm for learning and sharing his excitement about different ideas and experiences. He almost became a clinical psychologist, but turned down the PhD program at University of Michigan at Ann Arbor having been drawn to technology and entrepreneurship. He is the president of a new company, Headspace Sprockets, LLC.
Some areas of his expertise are: Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction algorithm design and implementation; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning technologies including implementation of Description Logic reasoners; OWL 2, EL++, RDF, and ontological inference and reasoning; Recommendation Systems and Statistical Inference and Pattern Algorithms.
A few sundry highlights about his background include: S.B. and S.M. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in interdisciplinary science; Authored papers for ECCB and W3C presentations; Employee #12 at Lotus Corporation; Architect and lead developer of the Arity/Prolog™ family of products; Expert in current Web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, socketIO, MVC architecture, MongoDB, node.js, nginx, etc.). Expert in Web language use and implementation, including V8 internals. Architect and lead developer of Headspace Sprocket’s platform and ecosystem.